Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Here are some of the final pages for my portfolio webstie. (still a few things to fix going to have to ask because I cant seem to find anything in the coding.) however over all I am really happy with how this turned out. home page, fine art and illustrations is what is shown in the above pictures

Monday, April 16, 2012

Portfolio Comps. (rough)

Here are some Comps of what I would like my site to look like. This is still pretty rough for the tree branch and navi bar ill be doing by hand. (will be done in ink with quite a bit of detail) I want to of a mix of fine art with photoshop.

Monday, April 9, 2012

New project

Now that Ginger Brew is ready to show its time to move onto the next project! *drum roll* My show case! this will feature my portfolio a little about me and what I can do for the public (and hopefully future people wanting to hire me! woot!) So! A few things I have picked up on my research.

Part of what makes an awesome portfolio is:
-Have a logo, This should be something that fits you and what your about or like what my teacher says "your gig" This will help to set you apart from the others.
-Make sure to talk about what you can do or want to do more of. Might help you snag a job from someone,
ex: If you like to make web pages then say so!
-When talking about yourself, keep it professional yet welcoming. You want to create a bond with the person looking at your site but you don't want to creep them out either. keep the drinking stories out, talk about some struggles you have had to over come and your educational background.
-blog or twitters are a great way for people to track what your up to and another way to create a bond. Also it will give them an idea of how you think and do things.
-Finally come up with a little tagline. Cant hurt right?  use this as a way to really define what you can do.

Alright now that all of that is out of the way...Here is few links to check out ! (something diffrent) (this is so colorful!!!) ( x3 blue jay! cute idea and I enjoy parts of this layout)
a few that really caught my eye!

links for these sites in order :D
(the middle one is awesome! All the little creatures move when you scroll over them!!!)
This is what I am thinking about right now, I like to keep things simple and easy to access. Also adding my logo to this for now as well. I want to combine my illustrations skills and do something with nature to tie in my logo. there will be a lot of sketches for this but just some wire frames for now.

Ginger Brew Show Case

Ginger Brews Final steps, here are some of the final things: Mobile, html letter, and my contest drawings on bottles (drawings are meant to look like chalk for the bottles can actually be drawn on however I did make the pictures in Photoshop.) This was a really fun project. I got to research the sunny place of Jamaica, watched some awesome people make sidewalk chalk art and figured out some of there skills. Got to check out some cool organic sites and finally got to really use my fine art skills. I call it a good day.  

Time for the links: (html email) (ginger brew hp)

Monday, March 19, 2012

mobile web ideas.

Some examples and sketchs of how Ginger Brew might look when used on a monile device.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

couldnt find the sketch for the other girl since it was done awhile ago but here are the other 3 that I needed to make. I think they turned out pretty well.

new layouts >:I

Try as I might I couldnt get the wood to work for me so! I tried something new and I am pretty happy with the outcome so here is the new pages plus the character faces for my product. Enjoy~

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ginger Brew

For the next project I thought it would be fun to make a website for a product that I made called Ginger Brew. The idea behind it is that it is a higher end drink most likely found at a whole foods store for its a little more expensive. It’s an all-natural drink that uses ginger and pineapple as its main ingredients and it also comes from Jamaica. Its suppose to appeal to ages 15 to 25. Ill be re-working the logo as well as coming up with more fun drink ideas and appearl. The site will talk about the history of the company, showcase the products, drawings (you can draw on the bottles)  what stores you can buy the product from or buy from them directly. This will be a fun site to  play with textures/colors.

For the drinks. Ginger brew will be the name on all of them but what flavors?!?!? Well! I thought it would be a neat idea to use fruits that are native to Jamaica so its something diffrent and new that alot of people havent had before. Here is a small list: Passion Fruit, Pomegranate, Sorrel, Soursop and Starapple.

Here are a few example of some drink sites that I found

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pink Attack!

So I changed the organizations to Avon because they are the organization that is actually holding the cancer walk in Chicago. The other organizations kind of mention it but always better to go from the direct source right?

Alright down to business! So here is my html email (still rough, still working on text and playing a little with titles to see if I can come up with some better ones). It’s just going to be about the walk that’s happening in Chicago this summer June 2-3 it’s a 39 mile walk.   The logo is from Avon, I did not make it. I did do the silhouette of Chicago and the background is made up of ribbons that I scanned in and played with the contrast a bit. Let me know what you all think! Also I am adding my block layout it is very rough but you can kind of see my thoughts on how I wanted it laid out.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


This is to talk about the Pink organizations which brings awareness and helps to raise money for breast cancer. The email will show case a bit about the company as well as an upcoming event and perhaps a few facts people didn’t know about the company. So here is a few of the ideas I have come up with.